Milan Fashion Week was certainly a reference event for all fashion lovers around the world. Collections of famous designers will serve as inspiration for many fashion designers, less to those who want to have their own cultural roots as inspiration.

The specialists from Romania say that our problem is that we do not have a fashion industry and a system to support the development of Romanian designers internationally. Indeed, surely Romanian designers would like a Romanian fashion week with the same echo as Milan Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week. Currently, however, each initiative aimed to promote Romanian designers is just a business.

Bloggerii de fashion sunt mai nou acei reporteri prezenți la fața locului atunci când au loc lansări de colecții, iar designerii români îi sprijină pentru a duce o fărâmă din creațiile românești în mijlocul evenimentelor de top. Cristina Cândea, blogger la Diary Of a Modern Fashionista a purtat o pereche de pantaloni Izabela Mandoiu, prin intermediul We Love Couture, despre care afirmă: Chiar m-am simțit minunat în pantalonii Izabela Mandoiu, mi-au completat perfect look-ul cu un touch fin și elegant.

Fashion bloggers are nowadays  those reporters on the ground when  collections are launched, and romanian designers support them to lead a shred of Romanian creations among the top events. Cristina Candea, blogger from Diary of a Modern Fashionista wore a pair of pants Izabela Mandoiu via We Love Couture, and she states: I felt awesome wearing  Izabela Mandoiu pants, I completed the perfect look with a fine and elegant touch. 

We wanted to hear from her the impressions about Milan Fashion Week, which you have below:

  1. What were the strengths of the festival fashion?

Capital of fashion by excellence, Milan impressed me with special places, full of history and significance. The events of Fashion Week took place in unusual locations, museums and ample spaces, designed especially for the shows. These details particularly impressed me by originality and good taste. Another strong point of this festival is the excellent organization and the kindness of people in staff, always ready to provide information and guidance.

  1. How are being considered the fashion bloggers ar this kind of events? Cum sunt priviți bloggeri de fashion la astfel de evenimente?

Fashion bloggers are very well regarded in fashion week. Their outfits are appreciated for creativity and they are considered an authority in styling.

You can read more on her blog.

Curiosity of  Izabela Mandoiu team was directed to the creator of the brand, from whom we wanted to find out her favorite collections at Milan Fashion Week, as we have often seen her focusing on

I really like the magic that is created around these haute couture vents . Milan Fashion Week is a reference event and if we could not be there, it is useful to pay attention to what the media gives us, in real time. I do find time for documentation because it defines my appetite for beauty, for style when I see the creations of famous designers.

The collections which send me some magnetism were:

1. Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini

2. Alberta Ferretti

